Recess 2022-2023 in Review | Central Texas School Portrait Photographer

With grateful hearts we are wrapping up another year of our modern school portrait program, Recess.

Recess has given us the opportunity to work with some of the best preschools, Montessori schools and private schools in the Texas Hill Country, and we are so thankful for the chance to photograph these milestone moments for our schools and their parents!

We like to look back at the current year’s program to reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and brainstorm how we can we better serve our schools and student families through this program.

We were expectant for what this year had for Recess, but we didn’t anticipate quite as much growth as we experienced. All good things for sure, and we are excited for what’s ahead for the coming year!

For the 2022-2023 academic year:

1. We photographed over 1,800 students’ school portraits through Recess.
That is more than double the number of students we photographed through our program the previous year!

2. We added 5 new schools to our program for this academic year.

3. We moved our program portrait galleries to a new system that has helped us streamline yearbook photo file delivery and overall organization of the schools we photograph. This was a super hard decision to make because we had spent countless hours building out the previous platform, but in the end, we are so glad we made the switch!

4. After coming up for air in November, our biggest takeaway is that we both agree that it is time to grow a team for our school portrait program. ha! We are excited to share more about this with you in the coming months and cannot wait to be able to better serve our portrait program schools with the added support and helping hands on picture day!

Needless to say, this was a big growth year for this leg of our business.

We say it often, but one of our favorite parts of this job is seeing each child’s personality shine in front of the camera…Kids really are extra special that way… they just are who they are, and we get the opportunity to document those silly smiles, timid tears, and pensive looks for parents and guardians to hang onto for years to come.

We want to extend another HUGE thank you to our school partners and parents. We really do aim to bring you the best school picture day experience and aim to give your families timeless portraits to hang on their walls.

If you are a parent or educator looking to bring Recess to your school we would love for you to reach out! We have a few dates left for our Fall 2023 calendar, as well as openings for Spring 2024.


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